My pen & pad!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

She strikes again!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *sigh* Aunt flo has entered the building and no matter what it seems she always comes through the door hard body! Ewwwww! She makes me soooo mad or is it sad, no no she makes me cry and no I know how. she makes me feel.......I HATE HER GUTS!!! Straight up, she drives me insane, up the wall, through the roof....Ahhhhhh leave me alone will ya! Go play, read a book, have lunch with a friend, enjoy the cool breeze, crochet or something....just leave me b! But I know you'll be back next month to greet me again with your hell bent behavior and distrub me once again with an unOPENed pun intended....*sigh*

Monday, July 26, 2010

A hellofaday>>>>>>>

Today was one for the books. The stress monster was at it again to rep havoc on anything that stood in its way. I just couldn't seem to grasp the point of it all. There was an obligation which should've been met and instead I was treated like some entity of trouble. People are can be very nerve recking without any substance for life but their own. I don't know what the issue was today but it's always something. But my question to you is: How is it that you're positive and I'm negative? Please tell me because everything that you said went way over my head but that statement stuck and I HAVE to know what you mean? You're one of the most selfish people I freaking know! You're one of the worst human beings on this earth yet I'm negative? You live in a world where fantasy is your reality and pigs fly by talking flowers but I'm negative? Yea right! Smh...get a clue and while you're at it, get a life too!

Friday, July 23, 2010

When water thickens up....

I don't know much about anyone else's life but mine. I can only speak against or for the life challenges that I've faced. This is why I love blogging because it gives me the forum to express myself in my own place/space without the interruption of others. *sigh* How I love to express myself....Anyway, I wanted to share some happiness I'm feeling right now in letting go of some baggage which has been weighing me down for a long time now. I can no longer call myself a bag lady but then again I can...I have a few bags left. That's neither here nor there. Letting go of the things you can not change is a major step towards living. So since I've joined the land of the living I wanted to say HOLA!!!!!!!!!!!

Water is thicker then blood when it comes to them....can I get a tall glass with ice please?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Family: a group of individuals under one roof and usually under one head

For a long time now I've had issues with my family. From the smallest to the biggest issues. I've learned to dodge and weave through the evilness this burden brought about. But I've never moved pass the selfiness of it all. Just like many families there's always one member which gives way more then the others. And this is due to the fact that they're takers...egotistic humans and gutless people. They haven't a care in the world how they affect others surrounding them nor do they care. They transform into blood sucking, vamps when pushed anywhere near gain. But morp into what you wish them to be when in need....playing on your every yearning and desire to later leave you high dry, searching for "the love of family" again.

However, time exposes all atrocious and crappy! You can go but so long taking advantage of people, whether family or friend. We all have to hit rock bottom to understand one's mistakes, misunderstandings or neglects. No one can tell us to how to STOP or when to STOP, you have to make this decision on your own. And when you do hit rock bottom, returning to your old behavior isn't an option. Rock bottom isn't just related to an ending relationship with drugs or alcohol, it can be used to reference an ending of any damaging activity. Any behavior deemed harming to oneself can cause the "rock bottom" innuendo to come into play.

I say all of this^ to say: I will no longer be your idiot. My life is just as important as yours and unlike you I have plans for a better and brighter future. You guys have held me back for way too long with your catastrophes and whirlwinds, while lacking regard to my own. My time is now and I'm going to enjoy it, drown in it and do what I should've done long ago...leave you out of it. I'm blind to you now and deaf to your cries. I'm here for me and me only.

But before I end this last struggle with you let me thank you for making me who I am. Without YOU I wouldn't be ME. The difference is today I am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*I love you daddy because you loved me*

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mind farts...

It has been one of those days, you know the one that takes your mind on a traveling adventure? Yeah, that one. This time it didn't stop. There were no rest stops or pit stops and no one offered a helping hand to the madness. My mind was basically allowed to be left alone to it's constant wondering and sometimes torturous habits. Like many I tend to drift off into a world of destruction by pondering on the "what ifs and maybes" but as my trips began to fade off into another dimension, I begin to notice that time changes EVERYTHING! Time plays a major factor in progression, in goals and in thoughts. If I want change then I MUST create it. When my mind grips my being I have to see the benefit in the journey. I must see the sign and uplift in the daydream. I must not prolong.......

Monday, July 19, 2010

My First post!

This is my first post and although I'm excited, it will be short and sweet! For a long time now I've wanted to start my own blog but wasn't quite sure what it would be I know. This blog will be about my joy, my life, my happiness, my accomplishments and my pain. I'm not concerned about how many followers I have (if any at all) if the blog makes a difference, thats great, if it doesn't that's great too. I'm not here to tell one how to live and what to live by, I'm here to share with you how I live and what I live by.

The ride can get bumpy so I hope you have a helmet...or two!
Strap up :o)