My pen & pad!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Family: a group of individuals under one roof and usually under one head

For a long time now I've had issues with my family. From the smallest to the biggest issues. I've learned to dodge and weave through the evilness this burden brought about. But I've never moved pass the selfiness of it all. Just like many families there's always one member which gives way more then the others. And this is due to the fact that they're takers...egotistic humans and gutless people. They haven't a care in the world how they affect others surrounding them nor do they care. They transform into blood sucking, vamps when pushed anywhere near gain. But morp into what you wish them to be when in need....playing on your every yearning and desire to later leave you high dry, searching for "the love of family" again.

However, time exposes all atrocious and crappy! You can go but so long taking advantage of people, whether family or friend. We all have to hit rock bottom to understand one's mistakes, misunderstandings or neglects. No one can tell us to how to STOP or when to STOP, you have to make this decision on your own. And when you do hit rock bottom, returning to your old behavior isn't an option. Rock bottom isn't just related to an ending relationship with drugs or alcohol, it can be used to reference an ending of any damaging activity. Any behavior deemed harming to oneself can cause the "rock bottom" innuendo to come into play.

I say all of this^ to say: I will no longer be your idiot. My life is just as important as yours and unlike you I have plans for a better and brighter future. You guys have held me back for way too long with your catastrophes and whirlwinds, while lacking regard to my own. My time is now and I'm going to enjoy it, drown in it and do what I should've done long ago...leave you out of it. I'm blind to you now and deaf to your cries. I'm here for me and me only.

But before I end this last struggle with you let me thank you for making me who I am. Without YOU I wouldn't be ME. The difference is today I am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*I love you daddy because you loved me*


  1. Looks like you busted your head wide open when you hit that rock. I'm happy you did! Like you said "no one can tell you when to must do it on your own". Remember it's all about you now my friend. You will have a brighter future and now you can leave the past behind.

  2. LOL! Head busted and all but I've seen the mountain top and will remain there. They will not steal my joy any longer.
